About Kindergarten

Welcome to Yashio Kindergarten!

Since its establishment in 1977, Yashio Kindergarten has placed great importance on "contact with nature.
Our park has forests and animals. It is an environment where you can feel the seasonal changes with your whole body and experience many of them. Children grow up and adults grow up. The richness of nature is the stage for this. What is embodied in this is our wish that children, who will eventually enter society, will have a firm foundation for "thinking, judging, and acting on their own. To this end, we believe it is important for children to have "experiences" as a matter of course in their daily lives. Another characteristic of Yashio Kindergarten is "discipline. Greetings, replying, lining up shoes, correcting posture... It is our major task to guide each child to acquire basic lifestyle habits.
The ultimate goal of education is "independence as a person. Do by yourself what you can do by yourself.
Children are becoming independent step by step. We are happy to be there.
We hope that children with a sound conscience will leave the Yashio Forest.

name of a nursery school Inose Gakuen Palm Kindergarten
head of a plantation Yuichi Furumoto
address (e.g. of house) 2111-1 Kamigamo, Kamimikawa-cho, Kawachi-gun, Tochigi 329-0617
Contact TEL 0285-56-7222 / FAX 0285-56-0360
Establishment 1977


Uniform of Yashio Kindergarten

It is a very particular uniform that is easy to move around in and everyone loves.

boys' uniform
(Winter clothes)
girls' uniform
(Winter clothes)
Men's and Women's Uniforms
(Summer uniform)


class organization
Chick 3

3 years old class

Chick 4

3 years old class

Chick 1

Younger class

Chick 2

Younger class


middle class

Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)

middle class


Senior class

Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)

Senior class


Senior class